Sponsor Sessions

Thank you to the CEORL-HNS industry supporters.

Join us for the Industry Sessions on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Lunch will be provided inside the session rooms.

Gold Sponsors

SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 13:15–14:15 | Room: Liffey A

Karl Storz – Solo+ Breaking the Paradigm
Moderator: Diego Preciado (United States)
Solo+: Real World Experience
Joao Pimentel (Portugal)
Grommets: Beyond the General Anesthesia
Domenico Grasso (Italy)

SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 13:15–14:15 | Room: Wicklow Hall 2a

Sanofi and Regeneron – Inhaling Possibilities: Controlling Type 2 Inflammation and Improving Sense of Smell in CRSwNP
Living With CRSwNP: The Emotional Landscape of Smell Loss
When Scents Fade: Olfactory Dysfunction in Patients With CRSwNP
Following the Fragrance: Type 2 Inflammation and Olfactory Dysfunction in CRSwNP
Amplifying Aroma: Impact of Dupilumab on Clinical Outcomes Including Smell
Rediscovering Smell: A Real-World Patient Case

MONDAY, JUNE 17, 13:15–14:15 | Room: Liffey A

Karl Storz – Explore latest visualization Technologies in ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Moderator: Thierry van den Abbeele (France)
Discover Heads-Up Surgery with the VITOM eagle in
Transoral Laser Surgery
Giorgio Peretti (Italy)
Discover Heads-Up Surgery with the VITOM eagle in
Head & Neck Surgery
Giovanni Succo (Italy)

MONDAY, JUNE 17, 13:15–14:15 | Room: Liffey Hall 2

Medtronic – Innovative solutions in ENT – a Spotlight on PROPEL™ localized drug delivering sinus implants and PTeye™ for parathyroid detection
Moderator: Agnieszka Strzembosz
Enhancing Sinus Surgery outcomes for CRS patients with PROPEL™ localized drug delivery implants
Jan Gosepath (Germany), Carl Philpott (United Kingdom)
Enhancing Neck Surgery outcomes with PTeye™ parathyroid detection system Presenting Europe’s first PTeye™ patient cases
Carmen Solorzano (United States)
Conrad Timon (Dublin, Ireland)

Silver Sponsor

TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 13:15–14:15 | Room: Liffey A

GSK – Evolving understanding of IL-5: pleiotropic effects and clinical relevance in the unified airway
Chair: Claire Hopkins (United Kingdom)
Comorbidity in airways disease and its Clinical Implications
Joaquim Mullol (Spain)
The impact of IL-5 in the unified airway
Ibon Eguiluz (Spain)
Elevating patient outcomes by inhibiting IL-5 in CRSwNP
and comorbid patients
Philippe Gevaert (Belgium)